Dr Daisy Harley-Nyang

Job: Deployable Project Scientist

Employer: Met Office

PhD Thesis: A Study of Microplastics in Wastewater, Sludge and Biosolids

PhD Supervisors: Professors Fayyaz Memon and Tamara Galloway OBE

Industrial Supervisor: Nina Jones, UKWIR

Daisy was a PhD research student on the WISE CDT programme between 2018-2023 and was based at the University of Exeter. Her project researching microplastics was undertaken in collaboration with UK Water Industry Research (UKWIR)  Daisy successfully defended her PhD thesis – entitled ‘A Study of Microplastics in Wastewater, Sludge and Biosolids’ – on 22nd January 2024.

Daisy is now a Deployable Project Scientist at the Met Office in Exeter.

Academic and Work Experience Background

Daisy graduated in April 2018 with an MSc in Water and Environmental Engineering from the University of Surrey, gaining a Distinction. Her dissertation involved carrying out sanitary hazard surveys and water quality testing of three different water supplies at a remote village in The Gambia. She also has a BSc in Geology and Geography from the University of Birmingham.

Between her studies, Daisy worked as an Assistant Scientist at the National Laboratory Service in Starcross, Devon which involved the water quality testing of bathing water samples via micro-filtration. More recently, Daisy was an Assistant Scientific Officer at the Animal and Plant Health Agency also in Starcross, which primarily involved diagnostic laboratory testing.

Research Interests

  • Geology/Hydrogeology
  • Climate change
  • Microbiology/bacteriology- specifically of water
  • Small/private water supplies
  • Wastewater treatment
  • Environmental and public health.