• CIWEM accredited course


Awarded “Good” – the highest possible assessment – in EPSRC’s 2017 Mid-Term Review 


Up to 20 four-year fully funded PhD studentships per year

Taught Programme in Exeter for Year 1

Research project in Years 2-4 in an internationally-renowned water research centre

Annual residential summer-school, research seminars and social events

Transferable Skills Training


Recent News

PhD Success: William Addison-Atkinson

Congratulations to William Addison-Atkinson (Cohort 5, Exeter) for successfully defending his thesis on 21st June 2024.  Will’s’ PhD thesis is entitled “An Integrated Approach to Health Risk Assessment for Sewer Flooding”.  Well done, Will!

PhD Success: Vasilis Koukoravas

Congratulations to Vasilis Koukoravas (Cohort 4, Exeter) for successfully defending his thesis on 19th March 2024.  Vasilis’ PhD thesis is entitled “Hydraulic Modelling, Sectorisation, Interventions for Assessment and Improvement of Equity in Intermittent Water Supply Systems”.  Well done, Vasilis!


Bath Cohort 5 student Vivien Maertens’ research visit destination was Porto in Portugal, where she was hosted by Prof Paulo Rosa Santos and Prof Tiago Ferradosa in the University of Porto’s Faculty of Engineering. Vivien’s PhD is on ‘Optimisation of Deep-Water Offshore Wind Systems’ with a special focus on internal waves (which can occur off the coast […]

PhD Success: Daisy Harley-Nyang

Congratulations to Daisy Harley-Nyang (Cohort 5, Exeter) for successfully defending her thesis on 22nd January 2024.  Daisy’s PhD thesis is entitled “A Study of Microplastics in Wastewater, Sludge and Biosolids”.  Well done, Daisy!

Water Conservation Trust Dissertation Prize 2023: Dr Jessica Penny

Congratulations to Dr Jessica Penny (Cohort 4, Exeter), who was nominated by the Centre for Water Systems for the 2023 Water Conservation Trust Dissertation Prize. The Water Conservation Trust is The Worshipful Company of Water Conservators’ charity.  The Trust undertakes valuable work supporting access to water and environmental education, which includes providing student bursaries and prizes.  […]

PhD Success: Dan Power

Congratulations to Dan Power (Cohort 5, Bristol) for successfully defending his thesis on 12th December 2023.  Dan’s PhD thesis is entitled “Investigating opportunities for global scale soil moisture studies using Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensors”. Well done, Dan!

WISE CDT provides a unique opportunity for students to participate in shaping their own research topic. This, coupled with the wide range of skills they will acquire by completing all that the postgraduate school offers, makes them very attractive prospective recruits for the Water industry.

David Evans, Director, Natural Energy Wyre

WISE CDT exemplifies our aim to build a highly skilled workforce with industry partners through doctoral training.

GW4 Alliance

Wessex Water is seeing the emergence of skills and knowledge gaps in common with other companies in the water sector…. The WISE CDT helps address these gaps by providing leading interdisciplinary training across the subject areas of water engineering and informatics which are vital for the future of this industry and highly pertinent to our company.

Dan Green, Head of Sustainability and Innovation, Wessex Water

It’s immensely satisfying that WISE students continue to support the economic, environmental and social strategies of business with their cutting edge bespoke research

Professor John Banyard OBE FREng