Specialist Master’s-Level Modules
Following the completion of the Postgraduate School, WISE CDT students may wish to pursue further specialist skills training modules in Years 2 – 3 of their PhD.
Students are able to request to attend taught Master’s level modules at any of the four partner universities, though due to the time commitments involved with the model of master teaching delivery, it is anticipated that the majority of requests will be for modules delivered at their home university.
All requests to attend modules at partner universities need to be approved by the student’s primary supervisor and are expected to be relevant to their PhD project.
All requests will be subject to approval by the delivering department and may not be possible if the module is already full.
Details of modules available at each of the partner universities can be found here:
1. University of Exeter
College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences
College of Life and Environmental Sciences
- Biosciences (Streatham)
- Geography (Streatham)
University of Exeter Business School
2. University of Bath
The following online units may also be of interest:
3. University of Bristol
4. Cardiff University
Free Online Learning:
We would also recommend that WISE students take the opportunity to complete the following free MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) run by the partner universities: