Student blog: Expedition Dartmoor

Undaunted by the Exmouth experience, we planned another trip to some of Exeter’s scenic surroundings. Destination this time: Dartmoor!

Located some miles west of Exeter, Dartmoor is one of the big National Parks. It covers nearly a thousand square kilometers and contains such things as prehistoric menhirs (also know as standing stones), hut circles, ancient grave markers and much much more. Our trip took us to the reservoir located in the south of the park.

Unfortunately the bus left quite early in the morning so the day started out somewhat rushed. Good way to wake up though and the one hour bus ride gives plenty of time for a healthy breakfast of chocolate cake and cookies. The weather was spectacular and nothing like our Exmouth trip. Being warm from the walking, it was even possible to go without a coat and with rolled up sleeves for a bit.

This was really different at the top of the reservoir though, where we were no longer sheltered from the wind by the valleys and the temperature dropped rapidly. It’s a very scenic area though, and as engineers there being a dam makes up for a lot of discomfort.
