Bath Taps into Science 2018

On Saturday 17th March, five WISE CDT students from the University of Bath took to the ‘Bath Taps into Science’ Festival armed with their favourite watery games to engage with the people of Bath. A specially designed flood management box taught children the important role that natural landscaping plays in flood prevention. The low-budget water filter showed people how to clean water with sand, gravel, cotton, a piece of cheese cloth and a plastic bottle. All of the parents and children who visited the stand were very surprised to learn what a small proportion of the world’s water is fresh, accessible and available for us to drink (only 0.01%) through a game of marbles and jars that the kids had to divide the world’s water in four categories: oceans, glaciers, groundwater and fresh water. They were also astonished to learn about the concept of water footprint and learn how much water it takes to make from a bar of chocolate to a pair of jeans! We were also thankful to be able to offer water-saving devices from Wessex Water to all those who wanted to reduce their household water consumption. They consisted of a four-minute shower timer, a two-minute toothy timer, a shower flow regulator and a water and gas tap regulator.