WISE CDT welcomes new students

A very warm welcome to our fourth cohort of students, who have just completed a busy induction week and are settling into life on the University of Exeter campus.

WISE CDT Director Professor Dragan Savic gave an introduction to the WISE CDT programme, while Professor Zoran Kapelan, Centre Manager, outlined the structure of the Postgraduate School.  Students had the chance to meet with WISE CDT academics from all four partner universities and to spend time with many of the current students.  They also heard stimulating and thought-provoking presentations from the Environment Agency and South West Water.

As one of the speakers reminded everyone, our students have all demonstrated their ability to embark on a PhD.  What’s needed now is the grit and determination to see it through to the end.


WISE Students from 4 cohorts meet on Freshers’ Week for lunch with staff